Britische Reisewarnung für Deutschland zu Ostern 2018

Arthur Schopenhauer

»Ich lege hier für den Fall meines Todes das Bekenntnis ab, dass ich die deutsche Nation wegen ihrer überschwänglichen Dummheit verachte und mich schäme, ihr anzugehören.«

»Was die Leute gemeiniglich als Schicksal nennen, sind meistens nur ihre eigenen dummen Streiche.«


Still current at: 31 March 2018
Updated: 29 March 2018
Foreign travel advice: Germany

Summary - addition to existing information about the threat from terrorism; terrorists may target religious sites, including churches; you should be particularly vigilant over the Easter period
Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Germany. The German government has announced that increased security has been put in place as a precaution at public buildings, major events, transport hubs and large public gatherings. You should be vigilant and follow the advice of local authorities.